Privacy Policy

To browse our website and use our services, visitors must read and agree to our Privacy Policy.

User Information

  • It is important that we collect some information from users of our services so that we can offer a better website that is more targeted to your preferences. We also need to inform them about news and relevant information. Therefore, read this policy and our terms of use carefully.
  • We guarantee that any personal information of users will not be provided, published or sold under any circumstances. This information is safe with us. Except in cases of user participation in a comment or post. In this case, the name, email and testimonial may be published, in accordance with our terms of use.


  • We never send emails requesting data/registration confirmation or with executable attachments (exe, com, scr, bat extension) and download links.
  • To enjoy the additional benefits of the website and receive email with information about our services, you need to register on one of our opt-in forms. This registration is stored in a protected and confidential database.
  • If you no longer wish to receive our newsletters, simply click on the unsubscribe link in the footer of each message or notify us via email. We never send spam.


  • We may use cookie technology to improve your user experience. This helps identify your IP, facilitating navigation and customizing navigation. You can block any use of cookies directly in your browser.

Information Sharing

  • For security purposes, information may be shared when there is a request from competent judicial or government authorities for the purposes of personal investigations conducted by them, even if there is no court order, for example (and without limitation) when dealing with investigation of a criminal nature or violation of copyright, except in cases of confidentiality of information determined by laws in force, or even communicating information when there are sufficient reasons to consider that a user’s activity is suspected of attempting or committing a crime or trying to harm other people.
  • We have access links to other websites that are not covered by this policy. Therefore, check the privacy policy of these sites, considering that your information will be managed in accordance with the policy of each of them and which may differ from ours.

Questions and data correction

  • If you have any questions, you can contact us via email:
  • We reserve the right to change this policy at any time.
  • Last updated on June 7, 2024.

Yours sincerely,

CNPJ: 09.646.497/0001-94